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RCAN eLearning portal- Frequently Asked Questions
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What classes am I required to take as a catechist in a parish? A beginning catechist for children and youth completes introductory training via the RCAN eLearning portal. The catechist formation process is broken into three inter-connected dimensions that focus on Why, How and What a catechist witnesses.
Classes can be taken in any order, however, we recommend catechists start initial formation with Vocation of the Catechist (live class) or Catechesis 101.
Once the initial formation is complete, catechists must employ strategies that will resonate with young people and adults today. Methodology classes focus on equipping catechists with the skills and techniques (the “how”) necessary for the mission of catechesis.
To be convincing witnesses, catechists must know what to teach. Doctrinal courses aim to help the catechist grow in the understanding of faith in various areas. These include the Spotlight series (Faith; Prayer: Sacraments; Morality; Old and New Testament) and Foundation series (Creed; Prayer; Liturgy & Sacraments; Morality).
What classes am I required to take as a teacher of catechism in a Catholic school? A beginning catechist or religion teacher for children in a Catholic school completes introductory training via the RCAN eLearning portal. The catechist formation process is broken into three inter-connected dimensions that focus on Why, How and What a catechist witnesses.
Classes can be taken in any order, however, we recommend catechists start initial formation with Vocation of the Catechist (live class) or Catechesis 101.
Catholic school catechists will take the Methodology or Methodology for Teachers series. This series of classes focus on equipping catechists with the unique skills and techniques (the “how”) necessary for the mission of catechesis- not only imparting knowledge, but rather, forming disciples.
To be convincing witnesses in Catholic schools, religion teachers must know what to teach. Doctrinal courses aim to help the catechist grow in the understanding of faith in various areas. These include the Spotlight series (Faith; Prayer: Sacraments; Morality; Old and New Testament) and Foundation series (Creed; Prayer; Liturgy & Sacraments; Morality).
I am an adult learner and want to deepen my knowledge of the faith. What classes can I take?
There are several classes available on the RCAN eLearning portal that will guide you. Living as Missionary Disciples; the Foundation and Spotlight series are all appropriate for ongoing and adult faith formation.
I have an account on the RCAN eLearning portal but have course certificates from classes taken at another venue. Can I upload my certificate to get credit?
Yes! For instructions to receive credit for courses taken outside the RCAN eLearning portal, contact Sarah Gordon at
I do not remember my username or password. How can I reset?
To retrieve or change the username, contact
To reset a password, click on the “Forgot Password” link on the login page.
I have been locked out of my account? What do I do?
For technical support, contact
Once I begin a course, do I need to complete it in one session? Can I stop and start?
Learners can go through a lesson at their own pace. Progress is tracked and saved in the eLearning portal. Learners can review their progress by logging in to their account and viewing the dashboard.
I am not connected to parish, but I would like to sign up for a class. How can I sign up?
All learners are welcome! Simply choose a class and follow the prompts to register for a class.