Welcome to Catechist Formation
We are pleased to offer the specific formation courses that will educate and prepare our catechists (in parishes and Catholic schools) in their mission to share the catholic faith with youth and their families. The catechist formation process is composed of three interconnected dimensions (Why, How and What a catechist witnesses). To get started, review the course offerings and select a class.
“The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.” Philippians 4:9

Step 1
WHO: Catechist Orientation is offered in-person through professional development days or as a live ZOOM option,
and as a self-guided course through the LMS.
Step 2
WHY: Classes can be taken in any order; however, we recommend catechists continue initial formation with Vocation of the Catechist in- person or Catechesis 101.
HOW: Catholic school catechists will take the Methodology or Methodology for Teachers series. This series of classes focus on equipping catechists with the unique skills and techniques (the “how”) necessary for the mission of catechesis- not only imparting knowledge, but rather, forming disciples.
WHAT: To be convincing witnesses in Catholic schools, religion teachers must know what to teach. Doctrinal courses aim to help the catechist grow in the understanding of faith in various areas. These include the Spotlight series (Faith; Prayer: Sacraments; Morality; Old and New Testament)
and Foundation series (Creed; Prayer; Liturgy & Sacraments; Morality).
Step 3
ONGOING FORMATION: Includes courses, retreats, webinars and event throughout the year to support you on your faith journey and within
your ministries, communities and families.